Introducing the exquisite and alluring Phyllostachys Nigra 'Black Bamboo,' a captivating plant native to the enchanting realms of Taiwan and China. As the first hardy oriental bamboo introduced to the world in 1827, the legendary 'Black Bamboo' is a true masterpiece of nature, embodying grace and sophistication in every aspect.
However, as with all things rare and beautiful, the Black Bamboo does come with its fair share of quirks. This diva of the plant world demands a sun-drenched stage of at least 6 hours per day and shuns the idea of being confined indoors. It is sensitive to the gusts of wind and requires shelter from the elements. The foliage may suffer in temperatures below 10° Fahrenheit, while a complete top kill of canes can occur at -0° to -5°. As a result, we recommend this species for USDA Climate Zones 7 and 8. Fear not, for it can be grown in climate zone 6, albeit with some top damage during harsh winters. The culms may be a tad less upright and arch over in shaded areas, but a little pruning can easily remedy this.
The Black Bamboo's unrivaled charm lies in its striking contrast of dark, ebony culms and vibrant green foliage. In a mesmerizing transformation, new canes emerge green, turning a true ebony black within two years under the sun's gentle touch. The only species to boast this stunning hue, the Black Bamboo's culm sheaths feature wavy blades, prominent oral setae, auricles, and ligules that only add to its allure.
Not just a pretty face, the Black Bamboo's wood is highly valued by craftsmen for its exceptional quality. As a proud owner of this bewitching bamboo, you'll discover its captivating habits and cherish the enchanting display it brings to your garden. Embrace the elegance and intrigue of the Phyllostachys Nigra 'Black Bamboo' and let it bewitch your outdoor sanctuary.